A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Thursday, June 2, 2016

52@52 Week 44

This week, again, was all about the Impossible Project’s new I-1 camera.


I shot color film this time, the new generation I-1 color film. This version has no battery, so it’s a bit cheaper than the film packs made for old Polaroid cameras, which get their power from a battery inside the pack. The I-1 has a built-in battery, which means you need to recharge the camera, but its better for the environment.

Beach, Cape May, New Jersey

My first shots on color all came out muted, kind of faded. Overexposed, actually. It’s not a bad look, but not what I was looking for. I was shooting in Cape May, NJ, and Levittown, PA, on sunny days and got the same kind of results. For the last couple of shots on the pack, I dialed down the exposure about 1/3 of a stop toward darken. This is more representative of what I actually saw. It was a cloudy day, so the colors are muted in a different way, but it’s good.

I’m going to try to shoot some color this week on a sunny day with the exposure adjusted like the first shot and see what I get.

Posted at 7:32 AM


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