There Is No Cat

Groovy '60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

52@52 Week 22

Took the Calumet out to Popamora Point yesterday. It was a cloudy day. I metered using a Pentax Spotmeter V that I bought from KEH on Black Friday when accessories were 50% off. First time I used it. That is a sweet piece of a equipment.

Sandy Hook seen from Popamora Point

The New55 worked this time. The gouge in the negative on the right had nothing to do with New55 and everything to do with me being a little sloppy carrying the drying negative upstairs. I had the negative hanging from my MOD54 film hanger, a wonderful little piece of equipment, when the hanger fell off its clip and dropped to the floor. That’s how the negative got gouged. Oh well. At least it’s at the edge; if I print this, I need to rotate it slightly anyway, and can set it up to not show that.

This package of New55 is one of the ISO 50 packages that get developed for 2 minutes, instead of the 4 minutes that the ISO 100-200 packages get. I was happy to receive these packages, as I was wondering how they would work differently. I was very happy with the negative. I was less so with the print. But this is only one exposure, on a day when the range of information in the screen went all the way from EV 11 to EV 12 according to the aforementioned Pentax Spotmeter V. So it was a pretty flat scene from a lighting perspective, and the print reflected that. I hope to get a bit more contrast next time I shoot this to see how it responds.

I’ve lived in this area for almost 40 years, and I didn’t even know that Popamora Point existed. It’s off in the corner of Highlands. Laura and I discovered it on Christmas Day. We went for a walk on the Henry Hudson Trail starting in Atlantic Highlands, not knowing if the trail was even open (it was closed for a long time after Sandy), and not knowing where it ended. It ended (or actually started) at Popamora Point. The Henry Hudson Trail covers 22 miles in Monmouth County. I love this section of it; it’s right on Raritan Bay and has some beautiful views.

Posted at 8:25 PM


Note: I’m tired of clearing the spam from my comments, so comments are no longer accepted.


This site is copyright © 2002-2024, Ralph Brandi.

What do you mean there is no cat?

"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."

- Albert Einstein, explaining radio

There used to be a cat

[ photo of Mischief, a black and white cat ]

Mischief, 1988 - December 20, 2003

[ photo of Sylvester, a black and white cat ]

Sylvester (the Dorito Fiend), who died at Thanksgiving, 2000.


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