As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Friday, May 7, 2004

Weekends in my La-Z-Boy, football, fried chicken and beer

Watching one of the home improvement shows on TLC, there was an ad for La-Z-Boy and their new line of furniture and accessories designed by Todd Oldham. When I saw it, I figured it must be an ad for Target, who do the whole modern design thing better than any other mass marketer, and for whom Oldham did some designs a couple of years ago. But no, it was La-Z-Boy. According to this article in Business Week, the company is trying to shed its stodgy image and sell some furniture to twenty-somethings. One thing that I took particular note of was that Oldham’s line for La-Z-Boy is actually less expensive than their normal lines. And I liked some of the rugs and lamps they showed in the commercial. So I have hopes that maybe, unlike the majorly cool and majorly expensive rugs at Design Within Reach that I lust after, just maybe we can actually afford a good sized area rug for the family room. I’d like to see what they offer, but unfortunately the La-Z-Boy web site and their special subsite devoted to Oldham’s designs gives me nothing but database errors this evening. Fortunately, Oldham’s own web site has some tantalizing photos of the furniture part of the line, as does this furniture store in Ohio.

Posted at 8:48 PM


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