The alternative to flowers!

Saturday, January 25, 2003

Ideas from across the spectrum

Speaking of interesting conferences I won’t be going to, this one on spectrum policy looks pretty good. It’s put together by Lawrence Lessig of Eldred fame (is there a current issue he isn’t interested in?) But again, other side of the country, bad time, no money.... Looking at the registration page, I see that there are prices for representatives of corporations and for academics and representatives of non-profit organizations, but nothing for Just Regular People with an interest in the issue. Maybe I should show up anyway, just to show them that it’s not just companies and advocates who are interested in this. Pity I’m not yet one of those guys who seems to make a living out of flying places and going to interesting conferences. I’m sure at least a half-dozen of them will be blogging the conference.

Posted at 10:35 AM


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