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Thursday, October 10, 2002

A Stark Vision of War in Iraq

Wow, California Democrat Pete Stark pulled no punches in his speech on the floor of the House in opposition to the Gulf of Tonkin, er, Persia resolution.

The bottom line is I don’t trust this president and his advisors.

He then calls Dubya on the lack of evidence offered so far as to whether Sadaam is an imminent threat:

What is most unconscionable is that there is not a shred of evidence to justify the certain loss of life. Do the generalized threats and half-truths of this administration give any one of us in Congress the confidence to tell a mother or father or family that the loss of their child or loved one was in the name of a just cause?

Is the president’s need for revenge for the threat once posed to his father enough to justify the death of any American?

I didn’t think any professional politician would have the cojones to attack Bush so directly. Stark takes no prisoners.

Posted at 11:43 PM


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